Connecting data for

Private Capital Markets.

A data integration platform for private capital markets. That changes everything.

Data has become critical for the private capital markets, but traditional software solutions often only address specific parts of the process. This results in data being confined to front, middle, and back-office silos, leading to an overwhelming amount of manual requests, confusing systems, and complex dashboards for users. Just to get to the data they need.

Connect solves problems by providing a scalable and quick to deploy platform to connect and enhance your existing systems.

Our industry specific connectors handle all the complex configuration so that you can get up and running in no time. Existing in the cloud, or hosted on prem, it can easily scale to whatever your business requires.

Some of the specific problems we solve.

Connect can help solve a range of issues that typically exist for businesses that operate in the private capital markets. From simple ingestions, to complex integrations, it allows data to be shared seamlessly between your systems.

FX and Benchmark Automations

In most cases, front and back-office systems do not come armed with easy solutions for FX automation. Connect solves this seamlessly.

Pipeline Automations

PE platforms are often siloed. Creating a new opportunity in your CRM often means duplicate tasks in downstream systems. Well, no longer with Connect.

Reducing Platform Clutter

The integrated ecosystem allows data to flow directly from platform to platform without the need for databases in between. Reducing cost and complexity.

Single Source of Truth

Connect allows you to bring together data from numerous systems into a central database, which becomes the single source of truth.

Enhancing LP Data

LPs deal with an ever-increasing number of reports. Our connectors allow for easy digestion of PDFs, flatfiles and other human readable formatted data.

An intuitive interface that puts you in complete control of your data.

Connect has been designed to be easy to use. It allows data to be shared between systems, ensuring all your complex configurations are, well, connected.

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About it|venture 

Private capital markets expertise.

We provide technology services to the private capital markets industry. Because we know that there is very rarely a one size fits all approach to making data perform better, our approach is both inquisitive and agile. So, whether you require help with a specific technical issue, a relationship that provides ongoing support, or a full, end-to-end technological transformation, we can help. Because we always listen, and we always deliver.

The systems that Connect integrates with.

Connect integrates with a wide range of systems, and we are always adding more. Here is a selection of the key systems we work with currently.

News and Views.

We regularly write on industry news, as well as providing our views on the latest developments in technology and data management. You can see our latest thoughts below or click through to explore more.