Case Study

A complex integration.

Who was the client?

Our client is a Private Equity firm operating in Switzerland.

What was the issue?

The client sought to connect their existing technology systems in order to facilitate data sharing and decrease the number of inactive accounts. The specific technologies in use included DealCloud for customer relationship management, eFront for portfolio management, and M-Files for document management.

An additional layer of challenge was the complexity of the business logic especially relating to the way data needed to be filtered and validated.

What did we do?

We always initiate any project by engaging in conversations with the business to gain a comprehensive understanding of their goals, both on a small and large scale. In this particular case, the client’s objective was to improve accessibility to crucial data points without expanding the number of user accounts across all systems and altering their current permission structures.

We identified the main data points that the client desired to transfer or retrieve from each platform, and with the help of our internal platform experts, we adapted their current setup to accommodate the new data. Integrating our proprietary DealCloud and eFront connectors made the process of setting up the connection efficient. All that was needed was to input the credentials, and the systems were able to communicate with each other. The necessary mapping, task scheduling and data transformation were then set up in the Connect portal to finish off the integration.

To tackle the complexity of the business logic, we deployed a SQL DB. Our connectors seamlessly bridge the gap between DealCloud, eFront and the SQL server allowing the client to take full ownership of how they want the data to be transformed. And how the business logic is reflected.

The technical path.

Step 1

Configure the individual platforms to include the required data points. Create adequate permissions groups and provision API access.

Step 2

Build and configure a SQL database to facilitate the complex business logics.

Step 3

Add DealCloud and eFront connectors and test the connection. Once a connection was established, fields, mappings and transformations were added via the Connect Portal

Step 4

Extensive series of testing and review was performed, together with the creation of documentation to ensure the client had a full understanding of how to manage the solution internally going forward.

The project in a picture.

C r e a t e list of data points t o be pus h ed a n d pulled f r om D e alCloud C r e a t e / Gat h er A P I C r edentials C onfigu r e D e alCloud C on n e c t or T est C on n e c tion C onfigu r e e F r ont C on n e c t or C r e a t e / Gat h er A P I C r edentials  Create list of data points to be pushed   and pulled from             eFront C r e a t e Mappi n g Docu m entation C onfigu r e e F r ont a n d a dd n e w fields C onfigu r e D e alCloud a n d a dd n e w fields S c ope out busi n ess logic r equi r e m ents Build SQL data b ase t o f a cilita t e busi n ess logic C onfigu r e mappi n gs t o join s y s t ems t oget h er T est Data In t eg r i t y C onfigu r e mappi n gs a n d t r ans f o r mations C onfigu r e mappi n gs a n d t r ans f o r mations R e vi e w a n d finalise c onfigu r ation Docu m entation a n d Ha n d ov er

Progress to date.

The solution of integrating DealCloud and eFront has been successfully implemented. With Connect handling all the flows of data and the custom SQL database managing the complex business logic, the client now has a robust method of getting data where it needs to go. As with all projects, we are eager to listen to the suggestions from our clients and continue to develop Connect as a platform that helps meet those needs.